Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Hubby Has An Addiction!!

. . . . . .to candles that is!!

Whenever we go to a prim shop, he's always heading over to the candle section and picking them up to smell.  (Yes, ladies, he likes going with me to shop for prims and antiques!)  We almost always come home with a new candle or two!!  And because of his addiction, I have an overabundance of them, which led to the dilemma of running out of space to put all of them!  (You can only burn so many and they last for quite a while!)  Here is a picture of SOME of them!  I had already thrown out a few, plus boxed up some that I plan to sell in a garage sale this spring.  I got rid of quite a few more after I took this photo.

I had them stored in the bottom of a cupboard in my Living Room, but it got to the point where I just couldn't fit any more in.  It was so bad that I feared opening the door. . . . afraid that they would all come tumbling out on me!  So what does a person do to solve the problem?  Build a bigger cupboard, of course!  Although, holding a firm grip on my hubby in the store would help, too!  lol

Here is a sneak peak of the new cupboard we made. 

See. . . . plenty of room!  Shhh!!  Don't tell my hubby, though. . . . he'll want to go out and buy more!!  lol

And here is a peek at the top. . . . .

I'm share more photos later.  I still have some tweaking to do and I'm waiting for something that I won on ebay that I'm SO excited about!  I can't wait to share it with you!  And you will never believe the deal I got!!!   ♪ ♫ You'll just have to wait and see. . . . .!!  ♪ ♫


Each year our local chapter of the Red Cross holds an event called, "For The Love of Chocolate".  It's held the first Saturday in February and attracts vendors of all venues....independent/store bakeries, politicians, small businesses, charity organizations, restaurants, name it, they're there!  And they all bring one thing in common......CHOCOLATE!!  You can't go wrong there!!  You purchase tickets for either $7.00 for 5 treats or $12.00 for 10.  Of course, you have to make the rounds to see who has the best samples, first, before you decide which goody is worthy of a punch on your ticket!  Hubby goes to whoever has the largest piece!  lol  (After looking at this photo, it looks like I hit the same ones!)

Hee are a few of the goodies that we brought home (minus a couple that we indulged in while there!)

It really is a fun outing.  They hold raffles and various drawings, have a game area called "Candyland" set up for the kids to enjoy, and sell other food items such as pizza and hotdogs for those who don't want to overindulge in so much chocolate.  (Never heard of such a thing, myself! lol)  You can enjoy eating your treats as you walk around visiting the vendors, or you can sit and socialize at one of the many tables and chairs set up or just take your goodies home with you.  Whatever you choose, it's all for a good cause!  We look forward to it every year! 


Until Next Time . . . . Kris