Monday, August 30, 2010

Our Little Getaway to Lancaster, PA

Chuck and I had the chance to get away for a couple of days and decided to go to Lancaster, PA.  (I can’t believe it’s been two weeks already!)  I love visiting Amish country (Holmes county) here in Ohio and I’ve heard so much about Lancaster from friends on A Primitive Place, that I decided I wanted to check out the “other” Amish country!  lol

We headed out at 3:00 a.m. on a Tuesday morning and made it to Bird In Hand about 9-9:30.  Just in time for the shops to start opening!

 Our first stop was at Bird In Hand Antique Market.   OMG!!  I’ve never seen so much stuff in my life!!!  The place was packed full!!  You could spend a couple of days in that place and still probably wouldn’t see everything!  Chuck and I were totally amazed!  The woman working there gave me permission to take pictures.  I only took one of the main floor because people were kind of looking at me like I was strange… a tourist!!   lol    


These next pictures are of the basement.  This is only about half of the basement!  You pretty much had to dig through stuff.  Things were piled on top of each other….there was no way they could have kept any  inventory on what was there.  Besides the shelves and floor being piled high, there were all kinds of stuff hanging up.   Things were everywhere!!!






We didn’t spend too much time in there because we had more places to visit.

This is what I bought: 


Our next stop was at the Kitchen Kettle Village in Intercourse.  A lot of the shops sell similar things that I can find in Holmes county, so we kind of buzzed through them because I wanted to visit as many antique shops as I could.

Here a some pictures of the Village.  We stayed at the Inn, which is above the Quilt shop, and I took these pics on Wednesday morning before the shops were even open.






This next picture is of the Kling House Restaurant, which was right next to the Inn.   We enjoyed a free complimentary breakfast there Wednesday morning.



These next pictures are of our room at the Inn.  There are only five rooms above the Quilt Shop.  It was very nice….and quiet….there was only one other couple besides us!!    If anyone’s interested, we had room #905.








Unfortunately,  we spent a lot of time driving to antique shops only to find out that some of them were closed!!  In Ohio, if a store closes during a weekday, Monday is usually the day they close.  Evidently in Lancaster, Tuesday is the day to be closed.  There were a couple of antique stores I would have loved to have visited!!  Maybe on another visit!

On of them was White Horse Antiques in White Horse.  We did stop back there Wednesday morning on our way home, going a little out of our way to do so and I am so glad we did!!  It was wonderful!!  (I wasn’t allowed to take pics)  For any of you that are seriously into antiques, you definitely need to visit this shop!  The furniture pieces they had were gorgeous!!  They were in excellent shape and very decently priced!  I found a couple of pieces I would have loved to have bought but had no way to get them home!  They had a very nice selection of things…everything was clean and well organized.

This basket is the only thing I purchased there. 


We then headed north to Morgantown and stopped at The Blue Snickel.  Very nice shop with lots of prim goodies. 

I purchased this pillow there.  I loved the color….it’s kind of a teal green.


Then heading west towards home, we stopped in Stevens and visited 272 Antiques.

This is what I bought there:


( I have project in mind for the funnel!)

We then went down the road and stopped at Cocalico Creek.  I loved that store!  Lots of prim goodies there, too!   They had bundles of assorted Family Heirloom Weaver fabrics for $14 or $15 that I couldn’t resist!  They’re nice size pieces, too!



Chuck didn’t come home empty handed, either!!  lol   These are his two big purchases!!!


A back scratcher and “Kickin” Pickle Chips!!!  LOL  You know…..because you can’t find back scratchers anywhere but  in Amish country!!  (A little sticker says “Made in China”!!!)  LOL

I go to Amish country for prims and antiques and he goes for food!  Every time he goes with me to Holmes county, he has to buy Amish-made Guggisburg Swiss cheese and Troyer’s Trail Bologna!!  I keep telling him that I can pick up those exact same things at our local grocery store for the exact same price per pound!!  I guess it just tastes better when you buy it in Amish country!!  lol


On Saturday, before we went to Lancaster, Chuck, Kory and I went to “our” Amish country.  We had originally planned to meet up with Lisa (Prims From Above) and her husband and mom, but they had a change of plans and couldn’t make it.  These are a few goodies I found there. 


We also found two BIG items that we both absolutely loved!!  We didn’t buy them then and there, because we knew we were going to Lancaster and we wanted to make sure we didn’t find anything in Lancaster that we might like better!  We didn’t!

SO…….on the Friday after we got home from Lancaster, Chuck surprised me by coming home early from work and decided that we were going to Berlin to buy the items!!  WOO HOO!!!

And, let’s just say, the reason it took me so long to post about our trip is because I have been doing some MAJOR tweaking and rearranging!!! 

I hope to share pics with you soon!!

Until Next time. . . . .Kris

Monday, August 16, 2010

Bathroom Makeover

Hi, friends!!  I just wanted to pop on here and share a few pics of the makeover I did to my main bathroom. 

I’ve always loved the wallpaper that I had before, but I’ve had it for many, many years and every time I’d wipe down the walls, I would catch a seam and rip the paper a little.  I knew I’d have to remove it some day, but it gave the bathroom so much color and I was afraid that if I just painted the walls, it would look too plain.  I had no idea what color scheme I even wanted to go with.

I had found a shower curtain (made by Family Heirloom Weavers) and a curtain valance that I absolutely loved!   Every time I went to Amish country, I would debate whether I should buy them or not.  Both were in shades of brown/taupe.  I bought a couple of crocks at an antique mall and when I got them home, I played around with a display on the bathroom vanity.  I started to visualize the shower curtain and the valance and before I knew it, I figured out exactly what I wanted to do with the bathroom.  It took me a few weeks to gather the things that I wanted to put in there (the sconces took 3 weeks to come in) but I waited until I had everything before I started the makeover.  I am SO happy with the way it turned out!!

Here are a couple pictures of my bathroom BEFORE:

Main Bathroom 2009 010

Main Bathroom 2009 013


And here are some AFTER:



I’ll try to get a better pic of this and post it later!




The paint color I used is called “Dry Dock” by Sherwin Williams.  I bought the curtains and valance at Country Gatherings in Berlin (Amish country).  The valance is from the Home Collection by Raghu and the shower curtain is by Family Heirloom Weavers.  The vanity cabinet and faucet are from Home Depot and the vanity top is from Lowes.  The sconces are from Katie’s Light House that I ordered through Primitive Keepings and I ordered the chandelier online from Eagle-Emporium


Well, that’s all for now.  My hubby and I are heading to Lancaster, PA for a couple of days to check out the “other” Amish country!  I’ll be back in a few days with, hopefully, lots of pictures!!

Until Next time. . . . .Kris